Businesses, Nonprofits, People Debate Weekend Open St On Bedford Slip


By Jean Brannum |

An application to the Department of Transportation has triggered debate among business owners, street safety advocates, community members, and nonprofits about whether to turn the Bedford Slip, into an open street on weekends. 

The North Brooklyn Park Alliance, a non-profit organization that manages parks in the community district, applied to manage the Bedford Slip as an open street for Fall 2024 per request from the Department of Transportation, which is a 100-foot street near the intersection of Nassau Ave, Bedford Ave, and Lorimer St. The slip became a temporary plaza when the G Train was shut down for six months over the Summer. 

The temporary plaza received mixed reviews from people who spent time in the street and the eleven businesses on it. While some said they wanted the slip to become a 24/7 plaza, a weekend open street is the only decision the DOT is considering.

During the six-week shutdown, the North Brooklyn Parks Alliance managed the slip, including installing tables and chairs, managing weekend vendors, and sanitation services. The Parks Alliance applied for the weekend closure at the DOT’s request for the Fall 2024 Open Streets program. The DOT makes the final decision on the Bedford Slip and other Open Streets applications based on information gathered during a review period, according to Katie Denny Horowitz, Executive Director of the North Brooklyn Parks Alliance. 

Businesses Push Back


This debate heated up at two Community Board 1 meetings where several members of the public spoke for and against the slip. One of those places was Awoke Vintage. Owner Rachel Despeaux spoke to the board about how the 6-week closure caused her store to lose business. She said the shutdown diverted customers from window shopping and was worried that she would have to move her business if there is a weekend shutdown, which is her busiest time. 

“Why would I willingly pay rent to have a street removed, have my sidewalks essentially removed, and people rerouted into the street?”

Despeux noted that all 11 businesses at the DOT meeting were against the slip. This was repeated by Mignar Tsering, owner of ID Menswear. 

Tsering said he was always against the shutdown, even on weekends. He said business was down about 40% during the full-time shutdown. The lack of car access also hindered deliveries. Tsering said on weekends, he has to carry stock into his store, which includes heavy candle-making supplies and candles. He said parking is already an issue in the area and carrying supplies in would difficult. 

Tsering also said that when the slip was pedestrian-only, street vendors would set up shop directly in front of his store, which led to a further loss of business. Tsering also said he did not see many people use the slip during the G-train shutdown. 

“Every day we were there, and we hardly saw anybody using it, just a few people that were using other delivery guys,” Tsering, whose store is open seven days a week, said. 

Lediona and Elona Zharku, who own Tired Thrift, wrote a letter to Councilmember Lincoln Restler expressing their opposition to the shutdown. The Zharku’s said that they pay rent specifically for a storefront with high foot traffic and that the closed slip diverted people from the storefront. A 2019 study from the DOT shows the slip area has one of the highest pedestrian volumes in Brooklyn at around 2,000 people. They also said they hardly saw anyone use the slip and saw more people using McCarren Park. 

“We find it unnecessary to have an open street here with a public park so close by.  Also, it was very difficult to load necessary supplies and stock into our shop when the street was closed since we could not park our cars outside of the shop.”

Activists Push For The Open Street


This sentiment was a surprise for activist Benji Lampel from North Brooklyn Open Streets Community Coalition, who is for a 24/7 shutdown. He said that in the beginning of discussions about the potential open street, feedback was mostly positive. During the G train shutdown, a petition from Transportation Alternatives pushing for the Bedford Slip garnered over 3000 signatures. 

“I was taken very off guard because none of them who I had spoken to had an indication that they absolutely hated it.”

Lampel said that most businesses, except for Billy’s Locksmith and one other place, were on board with the open street. Tsering from ID Menswear said he told some of the advocates that he opposed the idea.

Kevin LaCherra, another resident who was involved in advocating for the shutdown, said that many businesses lost revenue due to the G train shutdown, even outside of the slip. Other reports say the same thing since the G train is the main subway line in and out of Greenpoint. 

“I believe that their business was down,” LaCherra said. “They would have no reason to lie, but I don’t think that that is because of the plaza. I think that is because the primary mode into and out of the neighborhood was cut for six weeks. “

While some businesses affirm that they are against it, those for the shutdown continue to say that the open street would help businesses. A report from the DOT in Oct. 2022 said that open streets benefitted businesses overall. LaCherra said he and others spent more money at the restaurants on the slip during those six weeks. 

Dan Elstien, a Greenpoint resident who was involved in North Brooklyn Open Streets Coalition, said that while he received pushback from businesses, he thought the six-week shutdown went well and reduced congestion. Elstien said he was at the slip at least once a week.

“It was a lot safer, it was much nicer and helped the bus keep moving,” Elstien said. “We were able to do things you weren’t able to do before,  like put down semi-permanent infrastructure.”

LaCherra said that in 2020,  the idea came after an accident in which a woman was hit by a car. Many people and activist groups discussed the idea of turning the slip into a pedestrian plaza. Advocacy for Banker’s Anchor, a new pedestrian plaza, was also being discussed among residents at the time. 

Crashmapper shows nine accidents at both ends of the slip between Aug 2016 to Aug 2024. 

LaCherra said he was also part of a group from the Parks Alliance that helped with cleanup after events. The Parks Alliance hosted pedestrian events in the slip before the six-week pilot. When the G Train shutdown began, advocates for the open street wanted to show that the idea was good after several failed applications for the open street. LaCherra also commented that the slip would be nice on Saturdays when McCarren Park was full. 

“There’s barely enough room for a picnic blanket next to the next picnic blanket,” He said referring to the crowds at McCarren Park on Saturdays. 

LaCherra also said that while he ultimately wants the slip, he does not see the issue as a battle between business owners and residents. He believes that regulation of the space would make the space good for everyone. 

“I think that this is something that, like most things, can be solved with some good communication and trying some things out,” LaCherra said.

Elected Officials Speak Out Against Cement Mixer That Causes Dust, Noise For Residents

By Jean Brannum |

Outside the DKN ReadyMix facility, Councilmember Lincoln Restler, State Senator Kristen Gonzalez, Assembly Member Emily Gallagher, and other community members spoke out against the cement mixing company for polluting the area and causing intense noise.

The facility, which has several Department of Buildings complaints for spraying dust into the air, and banging concrete blocks against the ground causing noise and shaking, has received repeated requests from elected officials and residents to be better neighbors, the officials say. However, the facility has allegedly failed to meet with the community and has not fixed the issues.

The situation has escalated to the point where Restler called for the company to shut down the Greenpoint location.

“They’ve provided no substantive information, no real answers, most of all, no improvement,” Restler said. “We are gathered as elected officials, the united front, as community leaders, community-based organizations, all together demanding that this noxious business get the hell out of Greenpoint.”

Jens Rasmussen, who lives next to DKN, told Greenpoint Star in a previous interview that he saw workers slamming cement blocks onto the ground, which caused shaking and cracks in his building. The dust in the air has also caused respiratory issues for his two-year-old son.

Another resident, Laura Hofmann, said she could write her name in the layer of dust that coats her car. She lives a few blocks from the facility.

The DOB fined DKN $620 for performing work with a certificate of occupancy for the sale of used cars and car parts. The dispute was resolved, according to the DOB, and the certificate was corrected.

However, elected officials and residents say they have not seen improvement in the air quality or noise levels. Elected officials sent a letter to DKN demanding a meeting. The meeting was supposed to take place Aug 14 but was canceled the day before, according to Restler. He said that DKN hired a lobbying firm” to assist them. There has not been a meeting, or discussion of one, since then.

The air quality index (AQI) readings have been startling at the exact location of DKN. Lael Goodman, director of environmental programs at North Brooklyn Neighbors, saw a spike with an AQI reading over 500, which she said was worse than readings during the wildfires in Canada that turned city skies orange in 2023.

Air quality monitors measure for particulate matter less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, which is small enough to be inhaled, Goodman explained in a previous interview. An acceptable air quality reading is an average of 35 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3) over 24 hours, according to NYC Environment and Health. Air quality readings on Purple Airshow the average 24-hour amount to be 59 µg/m3as of Sept 20. The one-week average is 55 µg/m3.

The issues with DKN reflect repeated environmental justice issues in the neighborhood. Gallagher spoke about how she is tired of companies causing environmental issues for nearby residents. She also encouraged DKN to start working with the community to protect residents’ health and well-being.

The DKN ReadyMix facility at 270 Green St. Credit: Jean Brannum

“They can either work with us and keep their business, or they can work against us and see what happens,” Gallagher said.

Willis Elkins from the Newtown Creek Alliance agreed that Greenpoint already has many environmental issues from an industrial history.

“It’s not that this is anti-business. This is being a bad neighbor, and DKN ReadyMix has this proven history of polluting our air, polluting our waterways, and congesting our streets, making it dangerous for everybody in the community, Elkins said.

Elkins referred to DKN’s previous establishments at Maspeth Ave and in Long Island City. Riverkeeper, a nonprofit that advocates for the protection of the Hudson River and its tributaries, sued DKN in 2016 for allowing stormwater runoff from their facility to pollute nearby waterways in Long Island City. A judge ruled in favor of Riverkeeper and DKN had to pay $10,000 to the Newtown Creek Alliance.

While Restler ultimately called for DKN to relocate, he and his elected counterparts clarified that they are not against all businesses or industrial establishments in the area. He simply wants these businesses to be good neighbors. Gonzalez said that DKN can choose to comply with regulations and be a better neighbor.

“We want a new industrial business providing good jobs to our community, who will be a good neighbor for Greenpoint, Restler said.”

DKN ReadyMix did not respond to requests for comment.

Bike Lanes To Be Added on Bedford Ave


By Jean Brannum |

New York City Department of Transportation Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez announced Sept 10 that construction would begin this week on a new protected bicycle lane and other major safety improvements planned for Bedford Avenue in Bedford-Stuyvesant. 

Improvements include a 1.5-mile protected bike lane and the addition of pedestrian islands to reduce crossing distance. There will also be new loading zones to maintain curbside access for delivery vehicles. 

The DOT noted that the City has seen a 15% decrease in crashes with injuries and a 21% decline in injuries after similar redesigns. 

“The addition of a parking-protected bike lane on Bedford Avenue will create a critical cycling link in an area where bicycle ridership is booming, while making the road safer for everyone—whether you’re walking, biking, or traveling by car,” said NYC DOT Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez. 

Rodriguez mentioned that the decision came after outreach along the street. 

The northern part of Bedford Ave between Dean St and Flushing Ave is known for speeding, and five pedestrian deaths since 2020. 

“Biking along Bedford Avenue in Bed Stuy has been unsafe for too many years,” said Councilmember Lincoln Restler. “I’m elated that DOT has embraced a sustained campaign from community members and elected officials to install a protected bike lane on Bedford Avenue.”

At the same time, more people in the surrounding neighborhoods are cycling. Community Board 3 district is home to more than 4,000 Citi Bike annual members. In 2022, 494,000 trips began within the district’s boundaries. 

During outreach over the past two years, the DOT identified and spoke with stakeholders along the corridor. The agency hosted several meetings, walkthroughs, and site visits to ensure that the Bedford Avenue project accommodates the street’s diverse needs. 

DOT workers will begin removing the top road surface, a process called milling, of Bedford Avenue between Dean St and Lafayette Avenue this week. Streets typically remain milled for two to three weeks before being paved, a period in which utilities are strongly encouraged to do work that would otherwise require digging up the pavement. The DOT expects the entire redesign process along Bedford Avenue to be completed by the end of the year. 

At more than 10 miles, Bedford Avenue is Brooklyn’s longest street, stretching from Sheepshead Bay to Williamsburg.

Enrollment Increases When Catholic School Adopts President/Principal Model


St. Stans President Frank Carbone visits a kindergarten class. Credit: Jean Brannum

By Jean Brannum |

The St. Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Academy buildings in Greenpoint are filled with the laughter and footsteps of children from 3K to 8th grade. Enrollment has been increasing since it moved to an administrative team model, led by President Frank Carbone, Principal Dr. Danielle Madden, and Director of Admissions Donna DeLuca.

The school, commonly referred to as St. Stans decided to divide up duties that would normally be for the principal. Carbone said he saw overwhelmed principals from the past juggling academics, admissions, finances and marketing. The principals were hardly able to focus on all three parts at once.

With the new model, Carbone estimates that enrollment has increased 7-10% over the last four years. Before the new administrative model, St. Stans had 195 students, now it has 250. Carbone said that a key component of outreach is social media, which has made the school more known to prospective families.

DeLuca posts many school events on the school’s Instagram and Facebook pages. One of the most recent Instagram posts showed students creating comic strips to show what they have learned about physics in movie special effects. She will go around the school looking for photo opportunities or teachers will let her know. Her goal is to get parents who want their children to do similar activities to check out the school’s website or contact admissions.

Meanwhile, Principal Madden focuses on academics and student behavior. It is Madden’s first year as a principal after teaching and taking time off when she had children. Her middle schooler pushed her to get back into education now that her other kids were in high school, and Carbone knew instantly that she was the right fit.

A kindergartener wearing the St. Stans uniform.

As a social studies teacher at St. Edmund Preparatory High School in Sheepshead Bay, Madden coached varsity basketball, soccer, track and field, and cross country. When she left to be a mother, she worked in several after-school programs, including the Police Athletic League. She was also executive director of America Scores, a non-profit soccer league for children.

Madden received her Doctor of Education from Gwynedd Mercy University in Pennsylvania and her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Brooklyn College.

As president of the school, Carbone oversees public relations, alumni relationships, and the financial aspect of running the school. Carbone himself is a St. Stans alumna and former gym teacher.

In addition to these staff members, there are also other staff in charge of the Pre-K program and additional business staff. Sister Joanne Goscicki oversees the business side of the school and is the only religious sister on staff.

This is the first school in the diocese to move to this model, the President/Principal model has become increasingly popular among Catholic schools, according to a 2000 study from the Journal of Catholic Education. While the duties have been divided, the staff often work together to run the school. Carbone said this model allows the school to be “simply the best.”

“We do believe that in this (model), the way we kind of function together as not only a team but a family, that we really have been able to achieve success,” Carbone said.

St. Stanislaus Kostka was a Polish Bishop and is the patron saint of youth.


CB1 Meeting Heats Up On McGuinness Blvd Debacle

Make McGuinness Safe leader Bronwyn Breitner speaks before the community board meeting.

By Jean Brannum |

At a community board meeting in Greenpoint, Make McGuinness Safe, and members of the board sparred with the Department of Transportation over a compromised plan to redesign McGuinness Blvd.

After a years-long battle between advocacy organizations and elected officials and the Mayor and the DOT, the DOT approved a plan to redesign McGuinness Blvd aiming to reduce collisions. Advocacy group, Make McGuinness Safe, has fought for a plan proposed by the DOT to remove one of the travel lanes into a parking lane and add protected bike lanes.

Initially, Mayor Eric Adams verbally agreed to the changes but walked back when an opposing group, Keep McGuinness Moving, spoke out against removing a travel lane. In a statement, the group said that McGuinness Blvd is an emergency route and the potential congestion would interfere with evacuation and local businesses that need the street for deliveries.

The DOT approved an alternative plan and informed elected officials on Aug 20. The alternative plan includes a protected bike lane, one part-time travel lane that becomes a parking lane during off-peak hours, and a full-time travel lane. This plan was implemented in the northern part of the boulevard but will be extended to the southern part this year, DOT says.

This approval was met with protest from those on the side of Make McGuinness Safe at a Community Board 1 meeting where the DOT announced formal plans to implement the changes. Before the meeting, Bronwyn Breitner, one of the leaders of Make McGuinness Safe and a public member of the Transportation Committee, condemned the DOT’s reversal of the plan.

“We know that the plan that the DOT is here to present tonight is dangerous,” Breitner said. “We know, in many ways, it’s more dangerous than doing nothing on McGuinness Blvd.”

In a fiery match between DOT spokespeople and the community board, the DOT said it hoped to complete the redesign by the end of the year, weather permitting. Some members of the community board, like Kevin Costa, asked the DOT why they were discussing a plan that the community board never endorsed. Costa also questioned the DOT’s claim that it performed necessary outreach despite the petition for Make McGuinness Safe garnering 10,000 signatures.

The DOT responded that it performed outreach to people who disagreed with the community board’s endorsement.

Lincoln Restler, who came to the meeting to give updates on what his office was working on, briefly defended the DOT spokespeople and pointed the blame at the mayor.

“This was decided by Mayor Adams,” Restler said. “This was his decision to ignore the 10,000 people in our community.”

The Debate On Data

The discussion quickly turned into questioning the data the DOT and Make McGuinness Safe were using–or not using– to evaluate the effectiveness of the alternative redesign.

Breitner said that data on Crashmapper from the last year has not shown improvements in the already-redesigned north part of McGuinness. According to Crashmapper, the average number of collisions on McGuinness Blvd from Dupont St to Calyer from July to August year-over-year was 83. From July 2023 to August 2024, there were 35 crashes. It’s important to note that the median value is 100.

The DOT responded that it does not look at data until a design has been implemented for a year and that it will look at changes over multiple years rather than just one year. The DOT also mentioned that its own data collection is not complete for the first part and does not speculate on upcoming data.

However, those wanting the first redesign hammered on the point that nothing would change unless the second travel lane was gone.


G Train is Back and Running Its Full Route

By Jean Brannum |

The G Train officially fully reopened the morning of Sept 3, after a series of partial shutdowns for repairs.

The MTA Interim President Demetrius Crichlow and MTA Construction Development President Jamie Torres-Springer greeted customers at the Metropolitan Ave station to celebrate the reopening. The nine-week project allowed the MTA to add Communications-Based Train Control to improve train service reliability.

“I was so happy this morning, I got into the ​​ train station, took the train here and had Pharrell’s “Happy” song in my head with an extra bounce in my step,” said Council Member Lincoln Restler.

Work will continue until 2027, but the critical work is complete. Many signals on the G train route date back to the 1930s. Assemblymember Emily Gallagher and State Senator Kristen Gonzalez, along with other elected officials, said that these changes have been necessary for a while.

“I think this will set a new standard for what the future of the MTA can look like, the future of transit can look like; something that is on time, reliable, fast, and of course, as you heard modern,” Gonzalez said.

In addition to adding Communications-Based Train Control, the MTA also replaced 9,495 tiles in G stations, painted 1,802 columns, and repainted 233,645 square feet of platform, track, and mezzanine ceiling.

Some weekend and overnight outages will occur as work continues from 9:45 pm to 5 am the week of Sept 16.


DOT Approves Compromised McGuinness Redesign That Fails To Address The Problem, Community Members Say

By Jean Brannum |

After a long battle between two opposing organizations, politicians, the mayor, and the Department of Transportation, McGuinness Blvd will finally receive some modifications intended to improve safety. 

But the modifications failed to address key issues according to advocates from Make McGuinness Safe. 

The DOT informed elected officials on Aug. 20 that it would move forward with a compromised plan to end the cycle of deadly accidents, injuries and near-misses on the street. 

A  letter from the DOT to Community Board 1 shared details of the modifications. One of the two travel lanes will become parking overnight from 7 PM to 7 AM. There will be protected bike lanes and loading zones, but Make McGuinness Safe supporters believe that the bike lanes will continue to be blocked by trucks unloading due to a lack of parking during the day.  

Longtime Greenpoint resident Kevin LaCherra explained that with two travel lanes and no parking until the evening, trucks may have no choice but to park and unload in the bike lane or block the travel lane. 

The DOT proposed three possible solutions to decrease collisions on McGuinness Blvd. Make McGuinness Safe and elected officials supported Plan B. The DOT approved Plan A.

Currently, the road has two travel lanes and one parking lane. The DOT proposed three different solutions and Make McGuinness Safe supported Plan B, which is to replace a travel lane with a parking lane and make the current parking lane a bike lane. The DOT studied the idea in 2021 and found that the plan may cause more congestion, but would divert more cars to the BQE and the Long Island Expressway. The study also found that cut-through traffic comprised 30% of total traffic. 

However, the DOT approved Plan A, which was implemented in the northern part of McGuinness in the Summer of 2023. Make McGuinness Safe continued to advocate for one travel lane and one parking lane with loading zones and said that Plan A does not work to reduce collisions. 

“We’re getting a plan that we already know doesn’t work because it’s been installed along the northern portion of McGuinness Blvd,” A statement from Make McGuinness Safe said on Instagram. 

LaCherra said that the DOT’s solution essentially just added a bike lane that would be blocked by trucks unloading during the day. 

“We are not adequately addressing the problem on McGuinness Blvd, which is not a lack of bike lanes, it’s speeding traffic and congestion. It is traffic being moved off of the highways onto local streets and speeding”

Councilmember Lincoln Restler, Gallagher, and State Senators Julia Salazar and Kristen Gonzalez are longtime advocates of the proposed changes. They released a statement with other elected officials. 

“After repeatedly changing his mind and undermining DOT’s evidence-based redesign, Mayor Adams is going forward with a plan that fails Greenpoint by preserving the most dangerous elements of this roadway that runs through the middle of our community,” the statement said.

Meanwhile, a deleted tweet shows Keep McGuinness Moving retweeting the news about the redesign with a “peace” sign emoji and kissing face emoji. 

An Ongoing Battle

The road has been plagued with injuries and deaths since its construction, according to Make McGuinness Safe and previous reporting. New articles log deaths and injuries on the street as far back as 1995. Since 2011, over 2,000 accidents have been reported including three deaths, according to CrashMapper

In 2021, then-Mayor Bill DeBlasio pledged $40 million to redesign McGuinness after the death of PS110 teacher Matthew Jensen. His death sparked members of the community to form Make McGuinness Safe, which has garnered 10,000 signatures from residents to make the street safer. 

In response to calls to remove a travel lane, a coalition of local businesses banded together to oppose the redesign called Keep McGuinness Moving. Participating businesses are not listed on the website citing harassment claims from those supporting Plan B. 

In its statement against the redesign, Keep McGuinness Moving says that McGuinness is a coastal evacuation route and that removing a travel lane could cause congestion. The group has also said that cutting a travel lane would hurt local businesses. 

LaCherra said that Make McGuinness Safe surveyed 103 local businesses, most were within 1000 feet of McGuinness, who supported the redesign. One of the reasons the group advocated for Plan B was due to the added loading zones incorporated into the parking lane. 

The statement from Keep McGuinness Moving also urged the DOT to listen to all members of the community and recently published its own survey on X claiming that many local businesses were opposed to the redesign. The groups also released a statement on Aug. 27 opposing the elimination of permanent parking for bike lanes. 

“We urge the DOT to broaden their approach and move the bike lanes to the safer residential streets. reinstitute parking, and focus on redesigning intersections.”

In 2022, the DOT implemented some changes while discussing street design solutions. Changes included extending medians so people would have a place to wait to cross midway and banning lightly-used left turns. 

Make McGuinness Safe pushed for several changes to improve pedestrian safety. Mayor Eric Adams initially agreed to the changes verbally but walked back his agreement in 2023. He instead encouraged the Department of Transportation to work with both opponents and supporters of the plan, according to The CITY. The CITY reported that the campaign against the changes was backed by Broadway Stages owners Gina and Tony Argento. The Argentos have donated over $15,000 to Adam’s campaign. 

The DOT eventually replaced a parking lane with bike lanes north of Freeman Ave in the Spring of 2024, according to Make McGuinness Safe. This modification matched Plan A. Still, the organization wants the bike lanes to extend to Meeker Ave and, more importantly, wants the second travel lane gone. 

Despite a major setback for Make McGuinness Safe, LaCherra said that this is not the end of the fight for the redesign. 

“As far as we’re concerned, nothing has changed. We’re going to continue fighting. We’re going to continue pushing. We’re going to continue to make our presence known and say that this is unacceptable.”

National Grid Gets “OK” from PSC on Rate Hike, Sparking Protests From Environmentalists


By Jean Brannum |

The Public Service Commission unanimously approved a rate increase for gas usage in the state on Aug 15, which will affect people in Brooklyn and parts of Queens. The PSC determined that the rate increases were necessary and consistent with Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act goals. 

The three-year plan increases the average monthly gas bill by about $30 in the first year, nine dollars in the second year, and $22 in the third year, according to department staff who negotiated the terms of the rate plan. The new rate should increase National Grid’s annual capital to $833 million, $924 million, and $960 million.

Energy company National Grid, which provides electricity and gas in certain parts of New York State, but only provides gas in Kings County, proposed a rate hike in 2023 and with minor modifications was approved on Thursday. In a press release, National Grid said that the rate hike will fund infrastructure improvements, reduce emissions, and improve customer service. The company reasoned that the funding was necessary to ensure safe and reliable gas delivery in its service areas. 

The approval process and proposal were met with opposition, primarily from environmental activism groups like Sane Energy Project, which has protested numerous times against National Grid. The nonprofit based in Williamsburg sports the slogan “We Won’t Pay to be Poisoned.” Leaders of the organization are pushing for New York to support more renewable energy projects and shut down National Grid’s Greenpoint Energy Center. 

The majority of the 2100 public comments opposed the rate hike citing concerns about affordability, and investment in fossil fuels despite the passing of the CLCPA. The joint proposal includes steps to mitigate the impact of energy affordability, according to PSC Chair Rory Christian. National Grid already has an established program to help customers burdened by energy costs. 

However, multiple labor unions and other businesses supported the increase citing that the extra cash would help National Grid meet its environmental goals and improve community safety. 

In Albany at the PSC meeting, Sane Energy Project Director Kim Fraczek and other protesters stepped in front of the commission. Fraczek’s speech was mostly inaudible. The meeting was paused after Christian warned the group that they were disrupting the meeting.  

“This is a testament that those who hold the power to protect us from predatory corporations defying environmental justice turn on the very people they are entrusted to protect,” Fraczek said in a statement. “The financial, health, and safety costs of the climate crisis are not considered in the equation, disregarding the demands of the people.”

Julia Salazar at the protest at the Atlantic Ave Terminal

Downstate at a National Grid office across the street from the Barclays Center on the same day, Sane Energy Project Director of Communications Priscilla Grim led a rally with State Senator Julia Salazar and members of 350 Brooklyn against the rate hike. Salazar accused National Grid of trying to generate more profits. 

“They care about profits for their shareholders and do not care about our futures or our abilities as New Yorkers to make ends meet and pay our bills every month. It’s completely unsustainable,” Salazar said. 

Agreement To Go Green?

Salazar touched on the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, which was signed into law in June 2019 and mandates the state reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030 and 85% by 2050. 

Several environmental organizations including Sane and the Newtown Creek Alliance have spoken out about closing National Grid’s Greenpoint Energy Center, saying that the center causes pollution. 

National Grid and the commission concluded that the energy center was necessary on peak usage days, but the commission recommended that the company close the center if alternative solutions are found. 

Greenpoint resident Katherine Thompson said that funding fossil fuel infrastructure will delay the city’s progress towards CLCPA goals and that there should be more investment in green energy.

Greenpoint resident Katherine Thompson.

In the proposal, the PSC disagreed that investment in gas infrastructure would take away from CLCPA-related infrastructure, and even said that infrastructure funded by the rate increase was necessary to reach CLPCPA goals. 

The Commission approved the new proposal with the agreement that the company would try to use alternative energy sources in the future. 

One of the ways National Grid agreed to reduce its environmental impact is by adding additional renewable natural gas interconnections. Renewable natural gas (RNG) is fuel derived from natural waste that emits methane. The Newtown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant produces RNG for National Grid but commenters said the project was incomplete, according to the joint proposal. The City reported in May that the system was offline 46% of the time from April 2023 to May 2024.  

The RNG connects with existing gas lines called interconnection points. The joint proposal includes an agreement with National Grid that excess profits from RNG production will be refunded to customers. If the company does not profit from RNG, then the cost will be mostly recovered by shareholders. Another provision was that National Grid pursues non-pipeline alternatives. 

In addition, National Grid agreed to cease gas marketing to encourage customers to use alternative energy sources and will provide information to new customers. 

The environmental changes should reduce carbon dioxide emissions by an estimated 880,000 tons, according to an information presentation at the commission meeting. 

Commissioners approved the proposal with the environmental provisions saying that the rate increase was necessary to provide safe and reliable energy to National Grid customers. However, Fraczek said the PSC is continuing to listen to corporations rather than find alternative energy solutions. 

“Stop clinging to a law that favors industry, and instead follow a law that offers numerous options for releasing that grip,” Fraczek said. “The solutions are abundant. We just need leaders who are willing to lead.”

Officials from National Grid did not comment on the rate increase but did send press releases. 

Dust, Noise Plague Neighbors of Cement Plant


By Jean Brannum |

Sixty-six-year-old Laura Hofmann is used to the industrial pollution many Greenpointers are familiar with, but nothing like this. She can draw pictures on her car with the dust that coats it. She struggled with esophagitis until taking preventative measures to keep herself from breathing in the dust. Her problems have since subsided, but the air quality has changed the way she interacts with her environment. 

After wondering where the dust was coming from, she finally stumbled upon a cement plant a few blocks from her home: DKN Ready Mix, a neighbor to many Greenpointers since last fall.

“You can write your own name in the car windows,” Hofmann said referring to the dust that reportedly coats the cars. 

The DKN Ready Mix plant moved to 270 Green St from Maspeth Ave and according to nearby residents, the company has not been a good neighbor. Residents have spoken out about the pollution, noise, and cracks in the buildings the plant has allegedly caused. 

Jens Rasmussen, a longtime resident next to the plant, has spoken about the impact of DKN on his and his family’s ability to live in their apartment. His two-year-old son dealt with coughing and sneezing allegedly because of the plant.  

Another resident, who did not want to give out their name but lives near the plant, said that the dust had caused puffy eyes and a burning sensation in their chest. They used to love being on her deck, but cannot enjoy it due to the dust and the noise. 

North Brooklyn Neighbors, an environmental advocacy nonprofit has provided air quality monitors to several Greenpointers, including Rasmussen. The monitors measure for particulate matter under 2.5 micrometers in diameter. These particles are small enough to inhale. An acceptable air quality reading is an average of 35 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3) over 24 hours, according to NYC Environment and Health. Air quality readings on Purple Air show the average 24-hour amount to be 45 µg/m3as of Aug 13. The one-week average is 60 µg/m3.

Rasmussen used to open his apartment windows frequently since one of his rooms do not have air conditioning. He stopped opening his windows due to the dust before installing a fan at the window.

The DKN Cement plant has caused noise levels in the area to increase past what is allowed according to residents. One resident said that the noise levels are high through the night. 

“I do understand that since we have chosen to live in an industrial zone, we have to make peace with a certain amount of noise,” the resident said, “But DKN goes way above the regulation limits, both in terms of decibels and permitted hours.”

A video from Rasmussen showing a noise monitor app shows noise levels near the plant to be above 85 decibels on Jan 3 at 2 PM with a blaring buzzing sound in the background. Eighty-five decibels is equivalent to a lawnmower or a motorcycle. 

Crack in Rasmussen’s building. Courtesy of Jens Rasmussen.

He also reports seeing DKN breaking up concrete by throwing large chunks onto the ground to load up pieces in trucks. He mentioned experiencing shaking that he felt was even more intense than the earthquake in April.  His landlord has already had to repair cracks allegedly caused by DKN. 

While the lot that DKN is on is zoned for heavy industrial use, it is not for cement mixing. A Department of Buildings violation states that the lot is for the sale of used cars, metals, irons, and parts. The DOB fined DKN $620. 

Probe by Elected Officials

Elected officials in the Greenpoint area eventually caught wind of what was happening and have written a letter to DKN owner Diane Macchio and Department of Environmental Conservation Regional Director Rodney Rivera requesting a meeting on the matter and an inspection from the DEC.

The meeting between the community, DKN, and elected officials was scheduled for Aug 14, but was canceled by DKN the day before, Rasmussen said. He received the news through email and was told that DKN hired a consultant to address the issue and needed more time. 

Councilmember Lincoln Restler said he wants the DEC and the Department of Environmental Protection to hold DKN accountable for the damage it has allegedly caused to nearby residents. 

“If they were to find another spot, I’d be a happy councilman,” Restler said. 

The letter noted that Greenpoint has historically been an industrial zone, which has led to significant environmental issues such as the Meeker Avenue Plume. 

Rasmussen said that while other cement plants exist near him, none have caused this much damage. At the very least, he wants DKN to comply with local laws that would make living near the plant easier. 

DKN Ready Mix did not respond to repeated requests for comment. 

Editor’s Note: This article was updated Aug 14 at 2 pm with additional information. 

Revenue Source for Under the ‘K’ Bridge Park Sparks Neighborhood Backlash

Editor’s note: A previous version of this article incorrectly said that the map image showed where noise and traffic complaints come from. The caption has been corrected to say that the map shows where noise monitors and traffic guards are located. 

By Jean Brannum |

The park under the former Kosciuszko Bridge doubles as an event space in the once-empty area. Throughout the year, people stroll through the seven-acre land, ride through the skate park, and flock to the concerts under the BQE. 

However, according to the park’s neighbors, the space is also a source of noise pollution and traffic. Nearby residents complained to the North Brooklyn Parks Alliance staff of music blaring into their apartments until as late as 4 AM, and car horns waking them after the concerts conclude. Residents with young children say that the noise often wakes them up.

Greenpointer Lucy, who declined to give her last name, said that she hears music as late as 4 AM. She has sent multiple emails about the noise but said she has received few replies. Other members of the community affirmed that they had heard noise at the same time.

Katie Denny Horowitz, executive director of North Brooklyn Parks Alliance.

Katie Denny Horowitz, executive director of North Brooklyn Parks Alliance said that some official events go as late as 2 AM, but most events conclude around 10 PM. Noise later than that comes from park visitors who hang around afterward. 

“Why can’t they end at a decent time? By 10:30 or 11 o’clock?” Greenpointer Michele Chesnicka said. Many residents at a public meeting voiced their agreement that events should conclude earlier. 

If the noise from the park is disturbing, residents can call a hotline to request noise testing. Horowitz said that the response time is usually immediate and encourages residents to call them as soon as the noise becomes a disturbance. 

The Parks Alliance’s policy is to keep noise in the park below 100 decibels, which is as loud as a train, according to a city noise code guide. For areas outside the park, Horowitz and her team try to keep noise at less than 50 decibels, or less loud than a normal conversation.

Katie Denny Horowitz and Lynn Del Sol from the North Brooklyn Parks Alliance show a map displaying where traffic guards and sound monitors are located. 

Horowitz mentioned that since the park started hosting concerts, they only just started receiving noise and traffic complaints. Councilmember Lincoln Restler said that he has received a few emails about the noise from the park, but takes those complaints seriously. 

Noise Beyond Control


Event space in the Under the ‘K’ Bridge Park

But the issue of late-night noise is—many times—beyond the park staff’s control, Horowitz said.

During a tour, we heard music from the other side of the skate park. On the street adjacent to the end of the park, a white car sat with all the doors open blasting music. The noise was so loud we had to end our tour before reaching Newtown Creek. 

Horowitz said she normally calls the police for noise, but often the car partiers either come back to the site or move to another area to become someone else’s problem. The partiers are also on the street and technically off of park property. 

Another source of noise is post-event traffic. Greenpointer Matt Maclean walks through the park with his three-year-old son daily but said the post-event car honking often wakes up his three-year-old son.

“The honking on Apollo St is bad enough during the day, but when it’s 2 AM wakes me up and wakes him up. That’s totally out of the ordinary,” said Maclean. 

Eric Kun, another neighbor, said it would be better if the Parks Alliance worked with the community. Horowitz responded that the meeting was set up to work with residents, but Kun wants a follow-up meeting to keep the community involved in improvements. Horowitz also noted that the space started hosting larger events this past season. 

“If people come together like this, we have the opportunity to have face-to-face time with you, this a little bit more empowering and it feels like there’s a connection, Kun said. 

Balancing Act


While some suggested a complete shutdown of events, staff of North Brooklyn Parks Alliance, the nonprofit that designed the park, and Restler pointed out that the money from the concerts is reinvested in parks across Community District One. The nonprofit hires gardeners to maintain the grounds and provides much-needed maintenance to playgrounds and plazas. 

The North Brooklyn Parks Alliance, which is registered as a nonprofit as Open Space Alliance for North Brooklyn, made $457,000 in 2022 from “Program Services”. This is significantly more than the $33,000 made the previous year before the nonprofit expanded programming in the Under the K Bridge Park. Program Services were about 34% of the total revenue. Contributions were 34% of income. 

About $290,000 from the Parks Alliance goes towards staff salaries. The Parks Alliance spent $85,000 on park improvements in 2022. 

Greenpointer Heidi Vanderlee said that if the city provides parks with more funding, then there would not be a need for concerts at Under The K and that District One residents are lucky to have another revenue stream for parks. 

Greenpointer Kevin La Cherra said the Parks Alliance contributed supplies to clean up McGolrick Park in 2020 when mudslides occurred and funding was cut. 

“We see what these parks look like day to day and how much worse they are when they’re not invested in,” La Cherra said.

Under the K Bridge will host six events scheduled from Sept 1 to Oct 12.